Who are we?

Q-Courage has existed for more than 30 years. We are deeply rooted in nature-based experiences and human development.

We bring our 30 years of experience to our customers. Throughout the years, Q-Courage has been dedicated to human development.

It remains our DNA even though we do things differently than 30 years ago.

Q-Courage - Eventkursus for firmaer

Our approach

At Q-Courage, we believe that a positive, constructive, and practical approach provides the right environment for human development. Therefore, it is more important to create safe and secure frameworks and to highlight the goal, rather than describing the detailed path. The path to the goal will always vary from company to company, from culture to culture.

We could easily write as a sales pitch "We tailor the products to you", but we don't because it's actually not us, but you yourselves who "tailor the product". We help you set the framework. That way, we know that you will be working on things that make sense to you. Whether you need help with lasting behavior change, insights into own culture, or simply the crave for great nature experiences together, where you can feel the warmth from the flames of the fire and hear the sounds of nature.

Teambuilding company

Nature and Environment

At Q-Courage, we value the environment and care deeply about its future. Our mission is to highlight how incredible the natural world is and why it’s essential to integrate environmental responsibility and ecological balance into everything we do.

Whether you’re focused on ESG initiatives, working towards environmental goals, or simply passionate about protecting our planet, let us help. We design experiences and learning platforms that allow you to truly connect with the environment—feeling, tasting, and smelling its richness. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding and stronger commitment to environmental care and ecological balance.

Join us in shaping a future where the environment thrives.

Nature and Environment company Q-Courage

Behavior - Action shapes attitude

You've probably heard quotes like "We should put the customer first" , "Motivation and change come from within," and many other quotes that all make sense... but don't change anything. Behavioral research has shown that action creates attitude, not the other way around. We follow the science in our work. We create the physical space where you can challenge yourselves.

At Q-Courage, you won't experience many meeting rooms or PowerPoints. We use nature as our learning platform. We find that nature provides accelerated learning and a better, more positive focus. Our focus is on people's actions, rather than their theoretical background. We know that it's actions that create unique individuals and unique experiences, rather than knowledge that remains theory and thoughts.

Adventure trips

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